Tea House 1
Yokohama, Japan
JIA (The Japan Institute of Architects) Kanagawa branch
The existing site is a parking lot for the tourist and the beergarden. People usually come to climb up to the hill which is connecting to the historical city center. The existing situation of this “urban void” as a special case in the typical historical city that could bring potentials for future development. Therefore, my urbanistic approach is not only to give the clear definition to this ‘urban void’, but also to inherit the openness for the new place.
First of all, by extending the existing wall of Augusti-nerbräu, this place is redefined as two different space clearly, one is for a parking, the other is for a private garden. A new parking is still keeping an openness, but covered by tress.
Tea House 1
Yokohama, Japan
JIA (The Japan Institute of Architects) Kanagawa branch
The existing site is a parking lot for the tourist and the beergarden. People usually come to climb up to the hill which is connecting to the historical city center. The existing situation of this “urban void” as a special case in the typical historical city that could bring potentials for future development. Therefore, my urbanistic approach is not only to give the clear definition to this ‘urban void’, but also to inherit the openness for the new place.
First of all, by extending the existing wall of Augusti-nerbräu, this place is redefined as two different space clearly, one is for a parking, the other is for a private garden. A new parking is still keeping an openness, but covered by tress.
アトリエ モッズは上海と東京を拠点に活動する若手建築家たちによって、2018年に設立された建築設計事務所です。欧米やアジアを中心に実務経験を積んできた彼らの活動は、建築設計・監理、内装や店舗設計・監理、家具デザイン、ランドスケープデザインなど、多岐に渡ります。

森 恵吾
兵庫県出身。スイス・メンドリジオ建築アカデミー修了。Caruso St John Architects Zurich, Jägnefält Milton in Stockholm, そして京都のHOSOO architectureを経て、2018年よりATELIER MOZH共同主宰。
张 婕/ ジャン・ジエ
東南大学卒業後、スイス・メンドリジオ建築アカデミー修了。TAO architects, von Ballmoos Krucker architekten, HHF Architects, 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所,gmp architektenを経て、2018年よりATELIER MOZH共同主宰。
马海韵/ マ・ハイユン
同済大学卒業。中国国家一级注册建筑师。Temp Architects、East China Architectural Design & Research Institute(ECADI)を経て、2022年よりATELIER MOZH共同主宰。
Zhuo Chen, 星安康至, Baolei Liang, Haiyun Ma, 松村耕, Qi Tang, Yunwei Wang, Duo Xu, Jingru Xu, Zhang Li, Shanshan Zhang, Wenyi Zhu
2024 Shanghai Infrastructure Design Competition ‘Integrated Innovation - Urban Creation’
2rd Prize
2024 Shanghai 15-minute Design Life Circle ‘Community Center’ Design Competition
3rd Prize
2023 Jiangkou sunken silver archaeology working station competition
3rd Prize
2022 AD 100 YOUNG 2022
横浜市公共建築100周年記念 根岸森林公園トイレ設計コンペ
PSA_House of Crafts Competition, Power Station of Art, Shanghai
2021 13 young architecture offices from Shanghai, and their projects of 2020 on Archiposition
2020 ArchDaily’s the Best Young Practices of 2020
2018 ARCHSHARING, Community Center in Nepal
2018, 19 かながわ建築祭 茶室デザインコンペティション星安康至
2013 ハコダテものづくりフォーラムコンペティション
2012 Circos International Architecture Competition
2022 U-35 展覧会オペレーションブック
New Norm Magazine 'Lieu Painting Studio'
2021 ArchDaily 'Lieu Painting Studio'
Gooood 'Lieu Painting Studio'
アーキテクチャーフォト® 'Lieu Painting Studio'
Divisare 'Lieu Painting Studio'
THIS IS PAPER magazine 'Lieu Painting Studio'
建築新人戦 012
UniDesignLab インタビューシリーズ 02 'Visiting young architects'
Archiposition group interview 'Female Architect is a topic that needs to be discussed?'
2017 Article Francis Kere and his building on-site publish on Archiposition
2022 U35 35歳以下の若手建築家による建築の展覧会
2021 Postcards from the Immediate Future, Switzerland
2021 Beijing Urban and Architecture Biennale 2021
2020 Guangzhou Design Week, Ideal Architecture Festival
2017-18 New Salzburg, Between memory and contemporaneity,
2018,19 かながわ建築祭, 馬車道駅,横浜
2012 公益社団法人日本建築家協会 全国学生卒業設計コンクール
Teaching & Lectures
2024 中国美術学院4年生国際ワークショップ講師
2023 DEX 2023, チュラロンコン大学INDA
2021- 西安交通リバプール大学,非常勤講師
上海交通大学,ゲストクリティーク 4年生課題 'urban designing studio'
広州大学,ゲストクリティーク 4年生課題 'architecture design studio'
フレルアジア パブリックレクチャー
2019, 20 昆明理工大学,3年生課題担当客員教員
2018 東南大学,ゲストクリティーク 大学院生課題 'Man Made Rockery'
東南大学,ゲストクリティーク 学部生課題 'Reuse the Place'
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